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Knowledge and networks

Knowledge and networks

Standards and standardization also play an important role as a source of knowledge and a knowledge dissemination channel, as well as an important role for the formation, expansion and utilization of networks. These aspects stimulate the use of standards, the application of knowledge that is part of them and the impact resulting from the use of the standards.

The role of standards as a knowledge channel and source of knowledge

The following aspects are relevant as a knowledge channel or source of knowledge:

  • Recording the state-of-the-art (scientific) knowledge, including on the latest technological developments, and making it applicable through standards
  • Inclusion of standards in reference lists of articles
  • Making standards available for (scientific) articles, PhD research and case studies
  • Availability of all standards via 1 database: NEN Connect

Standardization as an engine for networks / knowledge exchange and commercial contacts

Standardization has an important network function. Consider the following aspects:

  • Extending networks: using the broad stakeholder representation in standards committees
  • Fellow experts at the table / involve / collaborate / share knowledge
  • Expand and utilize networks through committees / committee members. Think of access to / referral to knowledge institutions, large companies, public authorities, etc.
  • Stimulating public-private partnerships
  • International enrichment / insight into other cultures
  • Organization of and participation in network meetings on themes / fields of knowledge / standards